
President's Day Closing

The Farmington Libraries will be closed Monday, February 17. The Farmington Main Library will also be closed Sunday, February 16.

Gentle Stretch and Strength Chair Class

Primary tabs

Age Group:

Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
This event is part of a combined series. If you register for this event, you will be automatically registered for all of the following events in the series.
Registration for this event is no longer open.

Program Description

Event Details

Join us from the comfort of your home in a sturdy chair to move through stretches from head to toe. We will then incorporate breathing techniques to bring awareness to our core muscles.

We will also include some standing work including balance and upper body strengthening exercise still utilizing the chair with modifications for all levels.  A light to medium exercise band, small ball and light weights (2-5lbs) are helpful but not essential.

Didn't get the Zoom Link? Click here to join!