

The Farmington Libraries are closed today, Thursday, February 6 due to the weather. 

Get a Library Card

Getting a library card header graphic

Getting a Library Card

Farmington and Unionville residents may fill out an application at either library location – The Farmington Library, 6 Monteith Dr, Farmington or Barney Library, 71 Main St, Farmington. Library cards are valid for three years. Bring a photo ID, if your ID does not have your current address also bring a piece of mail with your Farmington/Unionville address. Renewals are processed in-person at the Lending Services desk. The purpose of renewals is to ensure that we have current contact information for your account.


Library cards issued from any public library in the state of Connecticut are valid at the Farmington Libraries. If your library is part of LCI you're already in our system as of November 16, 2022!  If you're from a library outside of LCI please bring your library card with you to the Lending Services desk to register your card in our system. Your out-of-town card must be current and dated with an expiration date.

From Home:

You may use your card from home to check your borrowing record, and renew items and place holds. You may access the library catalog to find materials and place holds as well as access databases. From the Catalog select the Online Research Resources link will give you a list of online resources that are accessible to you from your home computer, some require a Farmington Library card for login authentication.

At Other Libraries:

Your Farmington card may be used in any public library in Connecticut to borrow materials; you will need to register your Farmington card at those libraries. Materials from Farmington may be returned to any public library in the state with the exception of Fast View DVDs, Museum Passes, E-Readers and other specialty electronics, and toys, but items will not be checked in until they are received by The Farmington Libraries.