
President's Day Closing

The Farmington Libraries will be closed Monday, February 17. The Farmington Main Library will also be closed Sunday, February 16.

1000 Books Before Kindergarten

1000 Books Before Kindergarten Header
  • Enroll your child in our 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program, generously sponsored by the Friends of the Farmington Library. When you register, you will receive a binder with the first reading log to record books 1 to 100.  Fill out a pawprint each time you read with your child.  There's even the option to record the titles of the books you read.
  • After every 100 books are completed bring your child into the library to receive a sticker to place on their log sheet recognizing their success and pick up the next log sheet.
  • Keep reading and tracking your books! After you have read 300 books, your child will receive a book bag imprint with the logo of the program.
  • After you have read 500 books, your child will receive a free book for reaching the halfway mark!
  • Once you have read 1,000 books, your child will earn a special certificate and gift bag which is distributed at our annual graduation celebration in August.

Children from birth to before kindergarten (friends have until the August they start Kindergarten to finish) can be signed up by their parent/caregiver.

Sign up in person by visiting Kids' Place at the Main Library to receive their 1,000 Books Binder.

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten is a self-guided ongoing reading program designed to help parents prepare their children for one of life's big milestones - kindergarten! Studies have shown that the more children hear books read to them at home, the more prepared they will be to learn to read upon entering school. The goal of 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten is to encourage every child to be exposed to at least 1,000 books before kindergarten. 

Any book counts! Library storytime, books read over and over, books read to the child or books read independently.  There is no list however our librarians are happy to make suggestions.

Read 1 bedtime story a night for 3 years • 5 books a week for 4 years • 10 books a week for 2 years • or 20 books a week for 1 year. Reading 1,000 books is easier than you think!