
President's Day Closing

The Farmington Libraries will be closed Monday, February 17. The Farmington Main Library will also be closed Sunday, February 16.

Gallery & Exhibit Space Guidelines

The purpose of the gallery and exhibit spaces at the Main and Barney Libraries is to present exhibits in all media that serve to stimulate appreciation and knowledge of art in the Farmington community. The spaces are available to any artist or collector wishing to exhibit/display their artwork/collection.


To book the various gallery & exhibit spaces at the Main and Barney Libraries, please contact:

Contact the Library: (860) 673-6791

Jay Johnston Community Room – Heidi Schulz Vendrella, Adult Program Coordinator


Adult Display Cases – Reference & Information Services


Children’s Display Cases – Children’s Services


Barney Library - Hoppin Gallery Space – Heidi Schulz Vendrella, Adult Program Coordinator



Artists interested in exhibiting their work should provide photographs or examples of representative work, preferably in PDF or JPEG format. Responsibility for acceptance of collections and individual works for exhibit is delegated by the Board of Trustees to the Library Director and the Adult Program Coordinator responsible for booking the spaces. Artists will be limited to one show per year and the library reserves the right to decline requests.

Artists are welcome to plan an opening reception during the run of their show. Please contact Heidi Schulz Vendrella, Adult Program Coordinator in order to arrange for an opening reception. Food and beverages may be served. Alcoholic beverages such as wine or beer are prohibited unless prior Board approval is granted and a certificate of insurance is provided. The artist is responsible for the set-up and clean-up following the reception.

Exhibits run for approximately six to eight weeks, except for the month(s) when the Friends of the Libraries hold their major fundraiser, their Annual Used Book Sale, in the Jay Johnston Community Room at the Main Library. The artist is responsible for their own supplies when hanging their exhibit (i.e. hammer, nails, tape measure, etc.), and is responsible for the removal of nails or hangers from the wall when taking down their exhibit.

The Farmington Village Green & Library Association (FVGLA), the Library Board, Library Director, employees and volunteers assume no responsibility for the loss, theft, or damage of any property of any group or individuals using the gallery or exhibit spaces. Individual artists and groups should consult with their insurance agent regarding insurance coverage for any art that will be on display during the exhibit.

The Library reserves the right to publicize the exhibit and related events and will work with artists and art organizations to help publicize the exhibit. Artists should provide an exhibit title, an artist’s statement and relevant biographical information, as well as information pertaining to the work or collection that will be on exhibit.

The exhibits are open to the public during all open hours of the Main and Barney Libraries, however, since the gallery spaces are used for other programs and events, the exhibits may not always be accessible. Anyone wishing to view the exhibits is asked to check with the Libraries for the availability and accessibility of the room.

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