
President's Day Closing

The Farmington Libraries will be closed Monday, February 17. The Farmington Main Library will also be closed Sunday, February 16.

About Us

The Farmington Libraries

Our Mission

The Farmington Libraries partner with the community to provide free access to services, experiences, and resources that offer opportunities to explore, create, and share ideas.

Our Vision

To build on our proud reputation as a vibrant, energetic and stimulating center of intellectual and social activity by:

  • Attracting, retaining and developing a library staff offering friendly, competent, accurate and expedient customer service.
  • Incorporating new and emerging information technologies enabling access to information locally and globally.
  • Shaping a collection in myriad formats, actual and virtual, which is broad, deep, and rich in quality to meet the needs and expectations of an increasingly diverse community.
  • Kindling the pleasures of reading and learning in young children and enhancing the lives of all library patrons through excellent service and unique library experiences.
  • Providing inviting, comfortable, flexible spaces in which visitors of all ages can enjoy and be inspired by an array of educational, cultural, and recreational experiences.
  • Nurturing community by providing spaces to meet, greet, discuss and debate.
  • Enhancing library services through a combination of stable support from the Town of Farmington and endowment support from the Farmington Village Green and Library Association.
  • Preserving the memories and history of Farmington and the surrounding towns and providing access to those memories both in print and digital media.


Approved by the Farmington Library Committee, Wednesday, June 21, 2006


The Farmington Libraries and their Board of Trustees, staff, and volunteers are committed to recognizing, enhancing, and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in all forms.  The Farmington Libraries believe that everyone deserves equitable rights and opportunities.  The Farmington Libraries strive to ensure a safe environment in which all patrons and staff and treated fairly and respectfully, that resources are provided equitably, and all members of the community we serve are included. The Farmington Libraries recognize the inherent worth and dignity of every member of the community.  We will work to involve and empower all members to participate and contribute; promote and sustain a sense of belonging; and value and respect the talents, beliefs, backgrounds, and ways of living of all members of Farmington and beyond.


Farmington is a diverse community and The Libraries welcome patrons, staff, and volunteers of all ages, abilities, races, genders, ethnicities, cultures, religions, sexual orientations, gender identities, socio-economic statuses, political affiliations, viewpoints, language, age, size, and more.  Libraries can and should play a crucial role in empowering diverse populations for full participation in a diverse, democratic society.  The Farmington Libraries recognizes that all our lives are enhanced by including the varying perspectives of every member of our community.

The Libraries are committed to providing a comfortable space, where individuals’ needs are met with respect and without judgment.  The Libraries provide equal access to information and resources that allow individuals to thrive and learn in an ever-changing society, and support the community’s exploration of matters related to diversity, tolerance, openness, acceptance, and inclusion. We strive to create and sustain a culture of respect and dignity for all persons, in which individuals and their varying viewpoints are heard, valued, and included.

To this end, we will:

  • provide a safe and purposeful space that can accommodate the various needs of our public and increase the number of library card holders in town.
  • expand representation of diverse people and perspectives in our collections and materials
  • ensure equality of access and opportunity that is free from discrimination and harassment.
  • develop and implement programs for all ages that are diverse and inclusive.
  • identify and eliminate barriers to library and information resources.  This includes going fine free.
  • adopt language that is inclusive in all organizational communications and policies;
  • recruit and retain diverse personnel and inclusive and culturally competent library and information services staff to meet the needs of our diverse community
  • provide training, resources and support in equity, diversity, and inclusion for staff members and the Library Board of Trustees;
  • fully engage the Board of Trustees in this work, both at the strategic and policy level.
  • remain engaged with the community in a process of continual improvement and responsiveness to matters of equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • continually monitor and evaluate internal and external activities to ensure we are providing an environment that welcomes equality and diversity in all its forms.
  • review our systems – programs, practices, collections, marketing etc. for our commitment to these values, acknowledge gaps, and shortcomings and take action to correct.    



Diversity is the sum of the ways that people are alike and different.  Diversity goes beyond the external to include internal characteristics and attributes that are not readily seen.  When we recognize, value, and embrace diversity, we are recognizing, valuing, and embracing the uniqueness of each individual of our diverse community and all members of our staff and volunteers.

Equity is not the same as equality. Where equality implies sameness, equity takes difference into account to ensure a fair process and outcome.  Equity recognizes that some groups have been and continue to be disadvantaged in accessing educational, employment and other opportunities and are, therefore, underrepresented or marginalized in many organizations and institutions.  Equity means increasing diversity by ameliorating conditions of disadvantaged groups.

Inclusion means an environment in which all individuals are treated fairly and respectfully; are valued for their distinctive skills, experiences, and perspectives; have equal access to resources and opportunities; and can contribute fully to the success of the community.


Reference:  ALA Council Task Force on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, 2017.


Approved June 21, 2023